Product Designer at Omega Point

Portfolio Intelligence, a financial tech platform using machine learning for portfolio optimization

Omega Point Portfolio Intelligence

Omega Point visualizes quantitative investment data for portfolio managers. The enterprise, web-based platform — Portfolio Intelligence — enables portfolio managers to quickly identify risky and over-exposed securities using over 50+ quant-driven trading factors. Omega Point's AI optimization analyzes factor signals and offers various rebalancing strategies.


  • Managed roadmap and launched several new key features from concept to production
  • Redefined information architecture for improved navigation
  • UI design inspired the data team to generate new machine-learning algorithms
  • Employed iterative design and design sprints to facilitate process
  • Managed group of 4 UX research interns over 4 months

Skills & Tools Mastered


Visual design for app and marketing collateral. Marketing video coordinator: scriptwriting, storyboarding, & mood board. App design: brainstorming & sketching, wireframing, Axure functional prototypes for mobile & desktop.

Product Management

Product roadmap, agile UX & sprint planning, team retrospectives, data & engineering collaboration, intern weekly check-ins.

My Role

Discover, Analyze, Manage your portfolio with Omega Point.
Information Architecture

In order to generate a blueprint to guide the product's development, I explored customer needs through interviews and interaction maps. These activites helped me define a framework — Discover, Analyze, Manage — that defined the navigation and provided a space for features to grow into.

Feature Development

I produced several new features, visualizations, and tools to enhance a portfolio manager's existing workflow. New features would first be prioritized in the roadmap, assisted with the following information:

  1. Aggregated customer input for all feature requests, providing customer-driven data to support the product's next direction.
  2. Compiled business inititives through executive stakeholder check-ins, tagging feature requests with these initiatives.
  3. Reviewed feature requests with the engineering team to determine complexity and blockers.
I then employed several design activities — brainstorming sessions, story writing, wireframing, workflow analysis, design critiques, etc. — to explore potential ideas and iterate into a final prototype.


Alongside the nimble start-up team, we have launched over 8 new feature-full views — including an interactive rebalancing tool that incorporates real-time investment analytics to help users make multi-million dollar decisions.

In-Depth: New Feature Design

Portfolio Rebalance

Rebalance allows portfolio manager's to create "what if" scenarios, where they can analyze how their portfolio would perform by making changes to their invested securities.

Portfolio Rebalance

Factor Performance

Factor performance is a visualization that compares stock performance to factor returns over a specific time period, enabling portfolio managers to quickly make sense of these quantitative investment indicators. This feature also displays top performing factors, as well as, the ability to show normalized data in order to determine volatility.

Performance Analysis

Responsive Design

As a web-app, most design and development deliverables must be viewable on both mobile & desktop. Utilizing bootstrap's responsive grid, the design and engineering team have worked together to ensure applicable views and features are optimized for either mobile / desktop use.

In the first screenshot, the Market screen quickly lists Top 10 factor / security winners & losers. In the second screenshot, the factor performance screen is condensed and available for mobile viewing.

Other Projects